Team Jey
said 3 months agoHello Team Jey friends, Today we are going to talk about a topic that we feel might be of particular interest to artists and writers. We know that artists go through a block now and then. Their creative juices seem to be at their worst, and they would feel like there's nothing left for them to come up with. Most writers call this writer’s block, and artists call this a creative block. Today we are going to talk about how to deal with this block and come up with strategies to beat this block...
Team Jey
said 3 months agoMost of us hate the word "failure". But there's no better word than failure because "failures help us to understand more about success", as Jey used to say. Many of the successful people in this world have had failures, many times. More than they could count. But that's what makes them successful because every time they fail, they learn why they failed and try to do things better. Here are some of the key things we have learnt from failure: Failure is part of the process As part of Team Jey,...
Team Jey
said 3 months agoEverybody wants to have a wonderful life. But most of the people settle for the mediocre things in life, thus creating a mediocre life. It's not easy for everyone to achieve their dreams in their lives, but it is in fact easier to get closer to your dreams step by step. Imagine that your dream is 100 steps of stairs, and you are standing at the bottom. Imagine if your favorite movie is playing on a big screen at the stop of the stairs, and from the bottom, you can see a small-sized picture....
Joe Cunningham
said 3 months agoI have been following Mr. Jey Geethan for a long time on social media and now I was trying to write a book. I was always hesitant and never picked up my laptop to write. But reading some articles and podcasts from Jey helped to overcome the initial block and now I wrote my first TEN PAGES!!!!! I am so excited and I just wanted to share!!!!1
Team Jey
said 9 months agoEverybody loves success, but I hate it. Crazy, huh? But that's true. Jey Geethan has taught us one thing really well—never get complacent when you are successful because times change, and whatever worked for you to be successful can become obsolete in the next few years. Also, success makes people overconfident. They let the success become more important than what it is. Success means that your strategy worked and you are reaping its benefits. But that doesn't mean the success will stay with...
Team Jey
said 9 months agoA famous and old Japanese proverb goes like this: "Fall seven times, stand up eight." This powerful phrase, even in ancient times, was meant to empower and inspire, urging us to never give up. In today's world, the stigma around self-help books may make you feel self-conscious. But remember, these books are a testament to our resilience and our ability to rise above challenges. They are a source of empowerment, not embarrassment. Nowadays, giving up on life's struggles has become easier. If...
Team Jey
said 10 months agoWhen we are working towards our goals, there will be many naysayers around us who will drive us mad. Even though they are good friends, most of them will point out the flaws in our plans and actions. How do we deal with them, you ask? Here's the first step: Segregate the naysayers into two categories. The first category includes those who are just jealous that you are growing, and you should totally ignore these people. The second category of people cares about you, but they may not know your...
Team Jey
said 10 months agoMost of us dream of owning mountains of wealth and enjoying our wealth by splurging on luxurious items like cars, yachts, and private jets. These dreams are often seeded in our minds because of the media and how they portray the really wealthy people worldwide. Take, for example, Elon Musk. He has been at the top of the rich list for many years and continues to do so because of his ultra-rich businesses. When the media writes about his antics of manufacturing a flame thrower just because he...
Team Jey
said 10 months agoI am a writer and have published some of my pieces in multiple publications. I know the pain of sitting down to write and not finding the words. Most writers term it "Writer's Block." I have often heard that writer's block can be solved using some techniques. I have tried all of them and would gladly say none worked. But this post is not about that. It's from my experience of writing, getting blocked, and then getting back into the rhythm. There are a few things that helped me get over...
Team Jey
said 10 months agoEverybody thinks they are brilliant. However, only intelligent people understand that they don't know everything and keep searching for answers. Be that person.