What is Marketing? | Quick Articles

What is Marketing? | Quick Articles

There are umpteen number of articles about marketing and how to do it better. I am going to take a shot at quickly defining what marketing can do to your business and how it will help you increase your sales and thereby revenue
by Jey Geethan | July 04, 2018
What are Jey Geethan's Quick Articles?
These are short articles which are easier for the readers to read/consume. These articles will give you a short burst of information in a smaller timeframe. This is not a way to move away from long content, those are available in this website and you can subscribe to my email newsletter to receive more.

At first lets talk about what marketing goals are. These goals can be attained by numerous activities which I am going to let you figure out. Marketing can be described as an activity with these goals:

  1. Make sure the product is aligned with the market
  2. Research the target audience
  3. Reach the target audience for a product/service
  4. Strategic messaging to create awareness
  5. Increase product demand


Goal: Make sure that the product that you are building is catering to market. Don't build something that doesn't have a market. This is done by market research surveys etc.


Goal: To make sure that the target audiences/consumers/customers are defined and their personas are ready with you. You need to know whom your end customers are going to be and define their income range, region, persona is. This can be done by field research and competitor research etc.


Goal: To reach your target in the most specific and targeted way with your marketing materials. Read here about content marketing.


Goal: To go beyond your usual target reach and make sure you tweak your messaging to cater to recent trends. This is done by hosting conferences etc. New trends in marketing could help you make such decisions easily.


Goal: By following the above said goals, you increase the current demand for your product thereby increasing the sales and conversion. 

This is a very short introduction to marketing. Hope it was worth reading a few seconds of your time. 

Jey Geethan

Jey Geethan is a poet, author and an entrepreneur.

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