Learn how BigData can help your Marketing Efforts

Learn how BigData can help your Marketing Efforts

How do we increase the marketing ROI by leveraging the huge amounts of data that any company has accrued throughout the years? Read on to find out the answer
by Jey Geethan | November 28, 2016

As marketing efforts increase across all industries and their significant cost/spending increases, there comes a question to the minds of the marketing executives — How do I increase the marketing ROI by leveraging the huge amounts of data that the company has accrued throughout the years? 

This is a very valid question and the answer lies in how you want to approach the problem and how to gain a valuable solution as part of the marketing efforts. I have outlined a few major strategies below where you can use the data that you already have and put it to good use.

Data based engagement reports

You can use the data to analyse which keywords have resulted in more exposure in terms of opens, clicks and goal conversions. If you share this report with your marketing team, the team can learn from the past in a better way to evaluate and create their content in such a way that it brings more leads.

How do you get this report? If your mailer app or your custom data is stored in the hdfs, we can use HDFS environment to digest the data and show which keywords were mostly used for the clicks and create a report possibly on the matrix of subject lines vs click rates. 

Segmentation of your ideal purchaser

You can have your ideal customer in whitepapers, but with data, you can ideally define who is purchasing your products more and then you can define the marketing materials focused on that particular ideal customer. This is much more closer to the real-field and rather than working on equations defined by the sales team, you have the data to predict ideal customer segmentation.

Fit a line to the most valuable prospect

BigData can also help you to achieve what is called as the predictive Lead scoring. By getting data from your history of leads and analyzing which prospects led to purchase, the system can ideally point out the scores for the new Leads who will be most likely to purchase. This is very valuable information to the marketing team and the pre-sales team.

Customer Experience Enhancement

When you have huge amounts of data, with proper system in place, you can enhance the customer’s experience based on both his/her current information available and match it to a previous customer (from the big data) who can then resemble the customer experience path and possibly convert the experience into a more meaningful experience. This may sound really exorbitant, but there are startups who does this and in-house software solution can also be written to implement this.

These are few of the things bigdata can help you in getting more value for your marketing efforts. If you think you can add more points, please leave your comments.

Jey Geethan

Jey Geethan is a poet, author and an entrepreneur.

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