Show full file path in the title bar of Sublime and VS Code

If you feel that you want to show the full file paths in your favorite editors - Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code, follow the simple steps
Software Development
by Jey Geethan | March 22, 2018

If you feel that you want to show the full file paths in your favorite editors - Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code, follow the simple steps below:

Sublime Text (on a Mac):

Goto Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings and add the following:

  "show_full_path": true

Visual Studio Code (on a Mac):

Goto Visual Studio, Code -> Preferences -> Settings and add the following:

  "window.title": "${activeEditorLong}"

As a small tweak, i added the following into my visual studio title, as it allows any custom string:

  "window.title": "${activeEditorLong} - work hard, play harder"

Now you can see the full path of the files in the top title bar.

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