Ruby Tips - How to figure out where a method is defined

Ruby Tips - How to figure out where a method is defined

The other day when I was dabbling with the huge codebase, I was wondering where a particular method was being declared for a specific method
Software Development
by Jey Geethan | August 12, 2018

The other day when I was dabbling with the huge codebase, I was wondering where a particular method was being declared for a specific method. I wanted to know this because my greps didn't turn out to volatile and didn't return any results.

The Solution

The Ruby interpreter has certain methods that can be used for identifying under which module or class, the particular method is being defined. See the example below.

module Foo
  def say_hello
    puts "hello"

class Bar
  include Foo

puts                   #=> #<Method: Bar(Foo)#say_hello>
puts   #=> hello.rb

So using the .source_location you will be able to figure which file it has been declared.

Jey Geethan

Jey Geethan is a poet, author and an entrepreneur.

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