Ruby on Rails Engine - How To Keep Your Engine Migrations Abstracted From Your Host Rails App

Ruby on Rails Engine - How To Keep Your Engine Migrations Abstracted From Your Host Rails App

Have you ever worked on building a Rails Engine and wanted to keep the models, the migrations and everything inside the engine rather than using a generator to copy paste them into your host Rails App?
Software Development
by Jey Geethan | January 16, 2019

Have you ever worked on building a Rails Engine and wanted to keep the models, the migrations and everything inside the engine rather than using a generator to copy paste them into your host Rails App? That's a problem everybody faces one time or the other when building Rails Engines to abstract out your huge Rails App. I have found one such solutions that can be helpful for you to keep them separate. Here is a solution for it.

Problem Statement:

Instead of using

  rails g my_engine:install

to copy paste the migrations from engine to your rails app, you want to just keep the migrations inside the Rails Engine and do not bother about it.


Add the following lines to your engine, so that your engine's migration files are added to the rails app as well.

module MyEngine
	  class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
	    isolate_namespace MyEngine
	    initializer :append_migrations do |app|
	      unless app.root.to_s.match root.to_s
	        config.paths["db/migrate"].expanded.each do |expanded_path|
	          app.config.paths["db/migrate"] << expanded_path

Now you can do the following from your rails app to run your migrations as you always do:

   rake db:migrate

Hope it helps you! If it does help you, give me a shoutout below!

Jey Geethan

Jey Geethan is a poet, author and an entrepreneur.

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