
Productivity Articles - Productivity is an over-written subject. But in this category, the articles talk about tips that has helped Jey Geethan to manage multiple businesses and ventures well over the years

Live4Awesomeness: Productivity Tips #2: Learn about the Two minute rule

Live4Awesomeness: Productivity Tips #2: Learn about the Two minute rule

by Jey Geethan | September 12, 2021
Two minute rule helps to identify smaller tasks and complete them without procastination If there's some work that can be done easily without getting distracted within two minutes, you have to do it immediately. Here are my rules for such tasks

5 Tips That Can Increase Your Productivity

5 Tips That Can Increase Your Productivity

by Jey Geethan | June 13, 2020
Have you ever thought about tracking time and figuring out how productive you are? I did and these are my results. Have you ever thought about tracking time and figuring out how productive you are? I did and these are my results.

Live4Awesomeness: Productivity Tips #1: How to block the websites you visit often?

Live4Awesomeness: Productivity Tips #1: How to block the websites you visit often?

by Jey Geethan | January 13, 2020
Block your favorite websites and gain sometime I know how you have been listening to me on productivity hacks and on improving your work-life balance. Today I have something to confess. I recently fell into a bad habit of wasting time and money.

Merchants of Doubt - Time wasting rituals! (Part 1)

Merchants of Doubt - Time wasting rituals! (Part 1)

by Jey Geethan | August 03, 2019
Success is an outcome of fearless hardwork. Is there even a lingering small doubt in that? Merchants of Doubt series tries to clear misconceptions in people's minds about success and what it requires to achieve them. I am going to talk about time wasters in various forms here in this article. Time wasters are things, people, or even can be an event like a phone call. But how do you handle them?